
Body Language Poker Face

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Body Language - The Smirk Vs. The Poker Face, Playing The Washington Game. Speaking Fiction To Power. Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.). As anyone who has ever played a game of poker knows, the best way to win is perfecting the art of deception. Everyone has heard the term 'poker-face' which comes from the idea that body language can give away what kind of hand you have. The dawning this face is the most basic strategy a player can use to manipulate other players in the game.

Poker, being a card game, doesn’t require you to do much with your body.

His face flushes. When a man or woman is aroused or excited, their cheeks will naturally go slightly red. It’s a classic body language sign. In some men, this is very noticeable, whilst it is more difficult to spot in others. And, of course, the lighting you’re in will determine whether you’ll be able to see it. Poker Face: Mastering Body Language to Bluff, Read Tells and Win. ISBN 1-60094-051-X. Harroch; Lou Krieger (2011). Poker For Dummies. ISBN 1-118-05358-3. ^ Joey Lee Dillard (1985). Toward a social history of American English. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 3-11-010584-5.

This means that, in a way, your weight, height, or age range doesn’t really matter. You’ll be welcome at any table, as long as you have the money (or someone else does).

That’s part of the reason why some people don’t take the idea of the proverbial poker face very seriously. But does having one actually help players hide their motives or bluffs?

My goal here is for us to take a closer look at this matter. After all, do you need a poker face or not?

1 – What’s in a Face?

Before saying anything else about how important a poker face may or may not be, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about its meaning.

A poker face, by definition, is that emotionless look you have regardless of the strength of your hand. Now, why would it be a good idea to appear devoid of emotions while playing poker?

Body Language Poker Face

The answer is simple! You want to avoid giving away any unintended signs or tells. Above all, you want to have control over how other players perceive you.

Of course, to have absolute control would be an unrealistic aspiration, unless you’re some sort of master hypnotist. If you aren’t, then other players will always be able to form their own impressions about you.

And that’s actually a great thing if you’re empathic enough to grasp what those impressions are. In fact, a big part of one’s evolution as a poker player requires the development of this skill.

(Being empathic, by the way, is about perceiving others’ emotions, not necessarily sympathizing with them.)

Once you get good at this, you can have a lot of fun playing with other people’s expectations about you, at least to a certain extent.

And a poker face is one of the many tools you have at your disposal to do that.

2 – Expanding the Picture

I think it’s here that things can get a little confusing, because it seems that some people tend to ignore the fact that your face is only one part of your body.

It may be the most important one (it certainly is in lots of social situations). But it should never be seen in isolation, at least this is what all experts on body language agree upon.

They all say that you should never make any assessments about someone based on a single sign. (A person may have folded his or her arms simply because it’s cold, for example.)

There’s no doubt that your facial signs can say much about you at a poker table. But not always for the reasons that most people think.

And, if you’re too hasty in your conclusions, you’ll get all mixed up later on, which can cost you a lot of money.

3 – Telling a Complete Story

The most reliable physical reactions are those that, as far as I know, can’t be faked.

These are great sources of information, and, in poker, we call them tells.

A tell is anything a poker player does that tells his or her opponents something about the strength of his or her hand.

The classic example here is the dilatation of pupils whenever someone’s interested in what he or she sees. This is one of those tells that can’t be faked.

As you might have guessed, being able to perceive someone’s pupils during a game isn’t always easy. But if you can, it’s probably easier to tell if your opponent is less likely to fold.

In any case, most of the tells you’ll see at a poker table aren’t so reliable without prior knowledge of the person behind them.

For example, what can you say about a player who is blinking more than usual? Or of a person pursing his or her lips? Or of someone staring straight at you?

The answer is always the same—it depends.

4 – When a Tell Is Not a Tell (Until It Is)

Poker player and author Mike Caro discerns between two types of tells in his classic book about it:


Body Language Poker Facebook

  • Tells from actors
  • Tells from non-actors

In poker, an “actor” is anyone who tries to disguise a weak hand by acting strong and vice-versa.

This would be the person who sighs after hitting a set on the flop. And who smiles when bluffing on the river. So, that’s already something for us to have in mind.

More than that, if you’re up against an amateur, I’d say this is one of the first things you have to pay attention to. Of course, it’d be naive to ignore the fact that other players also understand this distinction.

Consequently, if they aren’t “actors” themselves, they can sometimes “act as actors.” But those are a minority. In any case, you should pay attention to how your opponent behaves all the time. By this I mean, not only against you.

Paying attention to what is going on all the time is what enables you to have a broad perspective about someone. You won’t have a complete picture, mind you. (You’re not omniscient, are you?)

But you’ll be able to identify those reactions that seem out of place according to that picture in your mind. These are the moments where your instincts will tell you that something is off.

And you’d do well to obey those instincts most of the time, especially if you’re an experienced player.

Body Language Poker Face

5 – How Far Can a Face Go?

So, do you need a poker face or not? …Many times, the answer is no.

Not because it’s not important to disguise your hand. Of course it is. But because there are ways of giving and receiving information that go beyond your facial expressions.

In fact, they even go beyond your body language. (Or your verbal communication, for that matter.)

Do you remember how I chose to define the term tells earlier in this text? If you don’t, here it is again: Tells are anything that reveals to other players something about your hand.

Most of the time, the most critical information comes from other things. Namely, the fundamentals of the game.

That’s why great real money online holdem players don’t take too long to become at least good live players, too. After playing so many hands online, they’re able to have a solid understanding of those fundamentals.

And there’s one in particular that deserves a special place in our discussion here—your betting patterns.

6 – Mixing the Colors of the Palette

Betting patterns are important regardless of the poker variant you choose, but even more so in a no-limit game.

Poker face body language

In no-limit, you have the option of betting as much as you wish at any time. (If you have the chips, of course.) This makes it much easier for a savvy player to recognize how you feel about your hand.

That’s an even more dangerous situation if you’re playing Texas hold’em because other games benefit players who understand the pot odds better. That’s why pot-limit Omaha is much more prestigious than no-limit Omaha.

Body language poker facebook

And other games played with no limits don’t offer lots of betting rounds. The only exception I know of is 2-7 Triple Draw.

It isn’t for nothing that people call no-limit Texas hold’em “the Cadillac of poker games.” And it’s no coincidence that poker has become more popular than ever because of this particular variant.

Do you see where I’m going with all this? Imagine a game in which you can bet as much as you can, and the game also has up to four betting rounds per hand. That’s a lot of information for a good player.

I hope I’ve been able to show you why your betting patterns are so important because your opponent may not always see how you placed a certain bet.

He or she may not even have noticed if your hands were shaking, or if you splashed your chips on the table. But they’ll always be able to know in which situations you bet and how much.

They’ll also know how frequently you tend to bet, call, raise, check-raise, or fold. This type of information is usually more than enough for a great player to beat a less skillful one.


So, let’s wrap up our conversation about your poker face (and your body language in general).

Can we say anything for sure about its importance? As you can see, this is not a matter of affirming that you need a poker face or not.

The thing is that, even when you have a great one, it won’t be of much use to you unless you have also worked on your fundamentals.

Until then, by all means, feel free to bring your sunglasses and scarf to the table. Just don’t count too much on them if you’re up against an opponent who knows what they’re d

Play Texas Hold'em Or other Gambling When everyone has a different body language, learn to analyze study these body language can help you analyze the opponent's card type, but also to hide their cards type size. Achieve maximum profit opportunity. Of course, these studies are mainly suitable land site gambling, poker is not much sense for a network.

Let's remember that the physical and psychological changes in naturally occurring and fear related to the termination of fear and anxiety generated at the poker table.You do not have conscious accelerate your heart, when you get the best card on the river you will not blush.However, most reflect our unconscious need a lot of training and experience in order to control the good.Physical changes include muscle cramps, chest because of the constant increase in respiratory and lead to ups and downs, which cause rapid heartbeat, large eyes, eyelids narrow.In poker, when some people get a big hand, they are typically ready to face and revealed some of such features; this is to 'fight' to reflect.Cheating, you can expect the players will be nervous, but if there is a reraise and they intend to cover off, they look very calm, which is to 'escape' to reflect.

Here are some critical aspects observed opponents, thereby learn how to control their own Gameʱ??

1. The face and eyes

Eyes may be windows of the soul, but sunglasses conceal most eye reflection. So instead, we should observe the entire face opponents. Most people say 'Poker Face' is very difficult to understand and practice, even the best players in the height under pressure will suddenly what expression did not speak with their rivals will break through heavy facial expression; and if it is very fragile, and tell them what the situation you this hand?

Face facial recognition software will be broken down into manageable ordinary people can read the part. You know what kind of sad, nervous kind. If you're not sure, do not know the facial structure, to know more about the basics of their own, even sunglasses can not conceal you squint flop, or looked down at the chips or cards. stress, anxiety and fear will make players before a conscious decision to bet their chips look after strabismus big flop. In these other players and your body signal is very sharp.

2. Hand

On the other hand (sorry) most players have a perfect poker face can not control their hands.They will not only shake hands, grasp it tight grip that, when the players in the process of deception often in a completely different way to move their hands.However, to pay attention to shake hands, most people tremble and fear pressure on the body's performance, this time most of the fears and trembling almost always expected to get a big.You need to be seen to reflect and confirm its meaning.The most important thing is not to assume that every person in fear when the hand will tremble.Oh, and also the hardest thing is wrong hint is issued by trembling hands, shaking is very difficult to control their own thing.To try.

3. Full body posture

Your eyes are an integral part of the face.Your hand is part of your arm.Your eyes, hands, face and all players at the table can see are part of your body.If you want to control your fears, suggesting that it sends a signal to stop the opponent, there is control your body.There are two ways to do this.First, you must know what you have done at the table, which means you need one or two partners help you.You have to 'read' their.Once they give you some hint of your body might appear minor problems, I recommend you to a comprehensive settlement.By recognizing them to solve the body reflect the fear and pressure, by completely relax your body to deal with physical performance.Relax themselves more easily than lower your heartbeat or slow down some of the tension in your eyes.

Poker Face Body Language

According to significantly change the licensing body posture drooping shoulders or unusual to do. Then tilt forward usually mean to deceive, and easily explained by the strength back. But these reflect the fear and delight of ordinary body, a lot of players You know, so they are usually wrong implied.

In the table the best way to overcome fear reflected very simple, really calm. Play more cards. The more cards you encounter, you may encounter more dangerous deception, are more likely to treat them for granted, They give you less pressure, but also reduce the reflection of your body's ideology and anxiety. In this regard, the practice is the best teacher.

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