
Gambling Related Idioms

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The longer phrase “put my 2 cents in” is taken from the English idiom “to put in my two-penny worth.” 197. Two sides of the same coin. Every coin has two sides–heads and tails. “Two sides of the same coin” means to see two people or things with opposing views. While they are closely related, they still seem very different. Gambling terms and casino terms can be hard to understand even for the most advanced of players and this is why we’ve put together this complete gambling glossary. We’re going to talk you through some of the most common gambling phrases right down to the wild and wacky gambling lingo.

In our last blog post, we pointed out the importance of idioms in a business setting by presenting a compilation of 50 widely used business idioms. In this blog post, we want to pick up on the topic of idioms once again.

There is no better way of sounding like a native English-speaker then knowing, when and how to use an idiom. Idioms give language its character and in many situations, there is no better way of communicating something then using an idiom.

When talking to native speakers, you will learn that English provides you with an amazing range and variety of idioms and English-speakers love to resort to them whenever they can. So, to make a long story short: Step up your game (it’s crunch time!) and blow everybody away with your newly acquired knowledge of idioms. You’ll see, it’s a piece of cake!

A drop in the oceanA very small part or insignificant amount of something big or wholeA donation of 100,000 dollars is just a drop in the ocean compared to the millions that need to be spent.
Actions speak louder than wordsIt’s better to actually do something than just talk about itI am going to work for an NGO in Africa fighting climate change. Actions speak louder than words.
Add fuel to the fireWhenever something is done to make a bad situation even worse than it isDon’t mention the product delay in the meeting. You are just adding fuel to the fire.
A penny for your thoughtsWhen you want to know what somebody is thinkingWhy are you staring at the sky? A penny for your thoughts!
Ball is in somebody’s courtIt is up to somebody to make the next decision or stepI have laid out my plan. The ball is in your court now.
Barking up the wrong treeLook in the wrong place or accuse the wrong personI’m not responsible for this mess! You are barking up the wrong tree.
Be a good catchBe someone worth marrying/havingDonald is such a good catch. I hope, he’ll propose soon.
Beat around the bushAvoid the main topic or not speak directly about the issueDon’t beat around the bush! We can have an open discussion here.
Bend over backwardsDo whatever it takes to help. Willing to do anythingOur company is bending over backwards to satisfy our customers.
Bite off more than you can chewTake on a task that is too bigYou bit off more than you can chew. You are never going to finish the presentation on time.
Blow somebody awayBe extremely impressed by somethingThe product demo just blew me away. I’ve never seen such a powerful software.
By the skin of your teethYou only just succeeded and nearly failedI hadn’t studied much, but passed the test by the skin of my teeth.
Couldn’t care lessHave a total lack of interest in somethingI couldn’t care less what my new co-workers think of me.
Cry over spilt milkComplain about a loss from the pastThere’s no way to win back this customer. Don’t cry over spilt milk.
Cry wolfCall for help when you don’t need itMy new co-worker is constantly crying wolf.
Crunch timeThe period of time just before a project has to be completed and everyone has to work hardI’m not getting much sleep these days, because it’s crunch time at work.
Curiosity killed the catGet into an unpleasant situation by being inquisitiveHe shouldn’t have searched for the secret files. Curiosity killed the cat.
Cut cornersDo something badly or cheaplyThey really cut corners when they built this office. The cubicles are way too small.
Cut somebody some slackGive somebody a break/ not to judge somebody severelyYou have to cut me some slack. I already worked on the report the whole weekend.
Cut to the chaseLeave out all the unnecessary details and just get to the pointIn an elevator pitch you don’t have much time. You have to cut to the chase!
Dig in your heels / Stick to your gunsRefuse to compromise or change your mindMy parents always wanted me to become a lawyer, but I dug in my heels / stuck to my guns and started my own travel business.
Down to the wireSomething that ends at the last minute or last few secondsWith the deadline coming up and the project not being on track, the team worked right down to the wire to complete it on time.
Drive someone up the wallTo irritate or annoy very muchThe music my co-workers listen to at the office is driving me up the wall.
Get out of handLose control of thingsThe meeting got out of hand and people started yelling at each other.
Get your head around itUnderstand somethingI just can’t get my head around the fact that my boss is not giving me a raise.
Give the benefit of the doubtBelieve someone’s statement, without proofI can’t check your results anyway, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Go down in flamesEnd or fail suddenly and spectacularlyOur company will go down in flames, if we don’t take these new startups seriously.
Hear on the grapevineHear a rumor or unconfirmed storyI heard on the grapevine that our boss will be leaving us soon.
Hit the booksStudy very hardI have to hit the books. My final exam is coming up soon.
It takes two to tangoActions or communications need more than one personI don’t think, she did this by herself. It takes two to tango.
Judge a book by its coverJudge someone or something based solely on appearanceI really disliked the product’s packaging. But you can’t judge a book by its cover.
Jump on the bandwagonJoin a popular trend or activityThis new software is going to disrupt the market. We should jump on the bandwagon.
Kill two birds with one stoneSolve two problems at once / with one actionBy cycling to work I kill two birds with one stone. If saves me money and I get to work out.
Leave no stone unturnedDo everything possible to achieve a goalI’ll leave no stone unturned until I find out who did this.
Let the cat out of the bagAccidentially reveal a secretThe CEO let the cat out of the bag about the company’s restructuring.
Make a long story shortCome to the pointThere’s not much time left. Let me make a long story short.
Miss the boatMiss the opportunity to do somethingI think, I have missed the boat. They didn’t accept my application anymore.
Once in a blue moonWhen something rarely ever happensYou only achieve such an amazing return on your investment once in a blue moon.
Piece of cakeWhen something is extremely easy to doPiece of cake, with our new software we’ll win this customer for sure.
Pull a rabbit out of a hatDo something unexpectedI thought there was no fix to the software bug, but our programer pulled a rabbit our of his hat.
Pull yourself togetherCalm down and act normallyI understand you’ve had a bad day, but pull yourself together and get on with your job, will you?
Run on fumesContinue to stay awake when feeling exhaustedI really have to take a nap now. I haven’t slept for twenty hours and I’m running on fumes.
Sell somebody outSnitch on someone or let their secret outI asked you to keep this information to yourself. I can’t believe you sold me out!
Shoot from the hipSpeak directlyIf you want to get on well with your new boss, try not to shoot from the hip next time.
Sit on the fenceStay neutral and not take sidesI’m sitting on the fence with this one. My team prefers solution A, but my boss favors solution B.
Skeleton crewThe minimum number of people needed to keep a service/office operatingCan you please come to the office this weekend? We’re operating with a skeleton crew at the moment.
Step up your gameStart performing betterIf you really want to win this competition, you’ll have to seriously step up your game.
When pigs flySomething will never happenAs long as my boss stays in office, I will have to wait for a raise till pigs fly.
Whole nine yardsEverythingI’ll do whatever it takes to make my venture a successful one – I’ll go the whole nine yards.
Your guess is as good as mineHave no idea, do not know the answer to a questionWe just don’t have enough information. Your guess is as good as mine.

We have picked nine of our favorite gambling quotes and listed them below, along with some details about the people that made them and our take on what they mean. These quotes stand out for us as they either contain excellent advice or are great reflections of what gambling is all about.

“Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do.”

This is a quote from Baltasar Gracián y Morales, a 17th century philosopher. We like it because, several hundred years later, it remains one of the single best pieces of gambling advice. If you can learn to quit when you are ahead, then you have an excellent chance of being a successful gambler.

Gambling idioms

This is an Irish proverb which highlights one of the biggest mistakes a gambler can make: chasing losses. In the same way that you have to know when to quit when you are ahead, there’s also a time to cut your losses and quit.

“Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.”

Gambling Related Idioms Definition

For many gamblers, this quote neatly sums why they gamble. It’s not just about the money itself, it’s the joy of winning it. The quote was from the movie The Color of Money, said by the character Fast Eddie Felson – played by Paul Newman.

“I’ve learned the lesson that the worst thing that can happen to a gambler is to let his recent losses or wins knock him off keel emotionally.”

Andrew Beyer highlighted one of the biggest failings of gamblers in this quote: letting emotions cloud judgment. Beyer was an expert on horse racing betting, writing four books on the subject. He also designed the Beyer Speed Figure, a system for rating Thoroughbred racehorses.

The origins of this proverb aren’t entirely clear. It’s a simple statement but entirely true. If a horse you have bet on wins, you’ll always wish you had bet more on it. The premise applies to any form of gambling.

“Once you start thinking you have nothing left to learn, you have everything to learn.”

Gambling Related Idioms Meaning

Really, this quote could apply to life in general. It was actually made in the context of poker, by Steve Badger. Badger owned one of the first, and best, websites dedicated to educating poker players. In this quote he’s pointing out that if you think you know it all you are sadly mistaken.

“Gambling is not about how well you play the games, it’s really about how well you handle your money.”

This is from poker player V. P. Pappy. We could pick a number of quotes from him as he’s made several great ones, but this is probably our favorite in terms of the advice it contains. He is making the excellent point that good money management is absolutely essential to successful gambling.

Gambling related idioms words
“At gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.”

Gambling Idioms

This quote is from the James Bond book (and movie) Casino Royale, written by Ian Fleming. It emphasizes a mistake that many gamblers make: blaming bad luck instead of trying to work if they made a bad play or bet.

“There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune; go there with a large one.”

Something of a tongue in cheek quote this one, from Jack Yelton. He is essentially highlighting the fact that you are likely to lose money playing casino games. He’s right of course; the house does have an edge over the long term.

Gambling Related Idioms Examples

That doesn’t mean that casino games should be avoided at all costs, as they are great fun and it’s possible to win money if you get lucky. It’s just important to recognize that the odds are ultimately against you.

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